Monday 25 May 2020

Activities from 25th to 29th May

  • Watch this video about countable and uncountable nouns. Then, read the grammar information below. Finally, do activities on Blinklearning page 51.

Sunday 17 May 2020

Activities from 18th to 22nd May

Read the information below and do activities on Blinklearning page 49.

CAN (poder)
  • ability
  • ask for permission 
  • give permission
"I can jump high!"   (ability)

"Can I go to the toilet, please?"(ask for permission)
"You can eat in the canteen" (give permission)
CAN'T(no poder)
  • no ability, 
  • no permission

"She can't speak Japanese" (no ability)

"You can't go to the toilet now" (lack of permission)
MUST(haver de)
  • obligation

"You must follow the rules"
MUSTN'T(no haver de)
  • prohibition

"You mustn't exceed the speed limit"

Sunday 10 May 2020

Activities from 11th to 15th May

Student's Book: page 68 ex 1-2-3-4 (80-100 words and add the photo you describe)

ANSWER THESE ACTIVITIES on your shared drive document.


  • We can use FOR EXAMPLE (per exemple), SUCH AS (com) and LIKE (comto give examples: 
            I love doing sport, for example, running, swimming and tennis.
            I love doing sport, such as running, swimming and tennis.
            I love doing sport like running, swimming and tennis.

Study with attention the grammar tip before doing the activities.

Sunday 26 April 2020

Activities from 27th April to 1st May

  • YOU HAVE TO ANSWER THESE 3 ACTIVITIES on your shared drive document. 

1. Write 3 things you ARE DOING and 3 things you AREN'T DOING now. Use Present Continuous. 
     For example: I am staying at home.   /    I'm not going to school.

2. Write 3 things you DO and 3 things you DON'T DO as a routine. Use Present Simple.
     For example: I always wash my hands.   /    I don't meet my friends.

3. Listen to the interview with a swimmer and do the exercises below.
Click here to listen the audio: Audio listening

A.Do this exercise while you listen. Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. Dan gets up early. True / False
2. He has a small breakfast. True /False
3. He’s a student. True /False
4. Dan has lunch at home. True /False
5. He goes swimming after classes. True /False
6. Dan watches TV and goes on the internet before bed. True/ False

B.Do this exercise while you listen. Fill the gaps with an activity from the box to complete Dan’s diary.

    get up     go to university      have breakfast     go swimming     meet friends       
                                    have dinner        have lunch

1. 5 a.m. _____________________________________________
2. 6 a.m. _____________________________________________
3. 8 a.m. _____________________________________________
4. 11 a.m. ____________________________________________
5. 2 p.m. _____________________________________________
6. 5 p.m. _____________________________________________
7. 7 p.m. _____________________________________________

Saturday 28 March 2020

U5_Present Continuous

We use the PRESENT CONTINUOUS to talk about things are happening now, right now or at the moment.

For example: I am studying English now.
 English Grammar: Present Continuous | English grammar, Grammar and ...Present continuous tense

Tuesday 17 March 2020



Watch any film in English and write a review. Answer the following questions in a new entry in your blog. Add a picture. (You can copy and paste the questions).


1. What is the title of the film?
2. Who is the director?
3. Who is the screenwriter?

4. Where does the action take place?
5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future)
6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama, adventure, science fiction)

7. Who are the main characters?
8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)

Write 4 words from the film and...
9. Write a definition in English
10. Translate them into Catalan

11. Write one sentence with each word